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New global paleoflood synthesis

PAGES-led initiative seeks paleoflood metadata

Calling all paleoflood hydrologists! The PAGES Floods Working Group wants your help to assemble a global snapshot of flood data derived from historical or natural archives.

This effort is being led by Bruno Wilhelm at the University of Grenoble, who is searching for any and all metadata related to published paleoflood analyses. The Floods WG aims to bundle together a list of paleoflood studies to aid the development of a new community effort to produce a global paleoflood dataset. We also hope to use this initial survey as a basis for a review article on paleoflood hydrology.

If you have paleoflood data and would like it to be included in our synthesis, please fill out this Excel template and return it to Bruno ( He's also prepared a brief explanation of the template, which is available online here (PDF). And please do share widely to any colleagues interested in ancient floods!